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04.04.2017 17:07 tZU1SWF7eeb Spacer
Yup, that'll do it. You have my aparociptien.

29.03.2017 16:21 LmunX6UNg Spacer
No quostien this is the place to get this info, thanks y'all.

29.03.2017 03:47 YWitUmSbTLP Spacer
I am laughing so loudly at your humor my husband just popped in from the garage to see if I'm okay .... your comment of being so far from zen you be in Quebec City and zen would be China... That is SO my thought right now! Thanks for all you do. Yo&v#39;ue actually brought my zen-ness back to earth. From Pluto. Where my zen was about half an hour ago.

Madonna  an der Fatimaanlage im Märsch